Mella Jaarsma
Mella Jaarsma lahir pada 9 Oktober 1960, di Emmeloord, Belanda. Sejak tahun 1984, Jaarsma menetap di Yogyakarta. Pada tahun 1978-1984, Jaarsma memperoleh pendidikan seni rupa di Fine Art Academy ‘Minerva', di Groningen, Belanda. Kemudian di tahun 1984, Jaarsma mempelajari seni di Institut Kesenian Jakarta. Jaarsma kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta selama tahun 1985-1986. Jaarsma kemudian juga mengikuti berbagai residensi, antara lain: di Art Center, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (2001); “Studio 106” di LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts, Singapura (2003); di Rimbun Dahan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2004); ‘Image of no dream’, di Het Vijfde Seizoen, Den Dolder, Belanda dan Jatiwangi Art Factory, Jatiwangi (2010); di Manila Contemporary, Filipina (2011); dan di Jatiwangi Art Factory, Jatiwangi (2013).
Jaarsma pertama kali terlibat dalam project seni pada tahun 1991 dalam “Inspiraties I” di Museum of Modern Art dan City Theatre, di Arnhem, Belanda. Di tahun berikutnya, Jaarsma pertama kali terlibat art project di Indonesia dalam “Art and Environment” di Bali bersama dengan Goethe Institute. Pada tahun 1998, Jaarsma pertama kali mementaskan performances-art dalam karyanya yang berjudul “Pribumi” di Jalan Malioboro, Yogyakarta. Karya Jaarsma mulai dipamerkan dalam beberapa pameran bersama pada tahun 1999, dalam “Makasar Art Forum’, di Ujung Pandang; “Festival Pekan Seni Ipoh IV ’99’” di Perak, Malaysia; “Third Asia-Pacific Triennial” di Brisbane, Australia; “Soul Ties” di Singapura; dan di “Womanifesto ‘99’” di Bangkok Thailand. Pada tahun 2000, Jaarsma melakukan pameran tunggal pertamanya, dengan judul “I Eat You Eat Me I” di Lembaga Indonesia-Perancis, Yogyakarta dan “I Eat You Eat Me II” di Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta.
Jaarsma pernah beberapa kali menerima penghargaan, antara lain” The John D. Rockefeller 3rd Award” bersama dengan bersama dengan Nindityo Adipurnomo (2006); “Academic Art Award #2” bersama dengan Nindityo Adipurnomo (2008); “Yogyakarta Biennale Art Award” bersama dengan Nindityo Adipurnomo (2010); dan “Adikarya Senirupa” oleh Mentri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (2014).
Pada tahun 2012, karya Jaarsma berpartisipasi dalam pameran bersama berjudul “the Smart Musem” di Chicago, Amerika Serikat. Stephanie Smith (kurator) menilai karya Jaarsma banyak mengeksplorasi tema pangan dalam karyanya. Dalam pameran tersebut, Jaarsma menggunakan makanan sebagai simbol terhadap kerja sama dan saling menghargai antar budaya. Jaarsma dinilai mengangkat tema tersebut untuk menyampaikan kritiknya terhadap diskriminasi yang dialami etnis keturunan Cina di Indonesia setelah mundurnya Soeharto sebagai presiden.
(profil ini ditulis pada Agustus 2016)
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Acrylic paint , Canvas , Photograph |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2000 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Courtesy of Nadi Gallery |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2000 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Bolak Balik in Bahasa Indonesia means inside - outside. This costume is made out of buffalo leather, which is mostly used for creating shadow puppets, and is inspired by Javanese philosophy in the traditional performing arts. It is believed that there is good in a bad character and a bad in a good character. Bad and Good need each other, they are connected and can swap their positions. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Other |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2000 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
From series of two costumes ‘SARA-swati I, II'. I made this work in 2000, during the reformation period, just after president Suharto had resigned after 32 years in power. Especially in the beginning of the reformation period, with the new-found freedom of the press and expression, many people started to point accusing fingers at each other. You are right, you are wrong, you are corrupt, etc. At the same time, it was considered to be very impolite to point at someone with your finger. Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge and fights in the Javanese traditional dance performances against the powerful warrior princess Srikandhi. In 2000, there were many riots and outbreaks of violence between the Indonesian militaries and Moslem and Christian communities in the Maluccan islands and ethnic tensions in Kalimatan. A new term appeared in the newspapers, connecting these tensions: SARA - an abbreviation of Suku, Agama, Ras, Antar-golongan, which means Tribe, Religion, Race, Inter-group. For the title of this work, I connected this SARA with the goddess Saraswati. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2001 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Berasal dari koleksi slide IVAA |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2001 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Berasal dari koleksi slide IVAA |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Acrylic paint , Canvas , Photograph |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2001 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x 90 cm x 155 cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Courtesy of Nadi Gallery |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Other |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2002 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Berasal dari koleksi slide IVAA |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Leather , Model , Other |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2002 |
Dimensi Karya | : | mm x mm x mm |
Deskripsi | : |
Foto berasal dari katalog koleksi Perpustakaan IVAA. |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2002 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Fighting and struggling are a part of human nature. They help us learn, search for balance. Horns are used for fighting as well as for protection. When the sliced horns are linked together, they look like an armour. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2002 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
When two words in the Javanese or Indonesia language are reversed, they can signify meanings that are almost opposite to each other. ‘ Londo Ngemis ' means foreign beggar and ‘ Ngemis Londo ' means begging from foreigners . ‘ Gila Bule ' means crazy about foreigners , and ‘ Bule Gila ', crazy foreigners . (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2002 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
I chose my materials very carefully because different materials affect the meanings and contexts in my work. With “The follower” (2002) , I want to show the plurality of Indonesian society. I made this cloak after the Bali bomb in 2002, when Indonesia was labeled ‘a Moslem terrorist country' by international media. I collected embroidered emblems of many different organizations; from sports clubs, social clubs to political parties and religious communities. I sewed these emblems side-by-side, at times, one on top of the other and intertwined them to create another skin, to illustrate the moderate habitat of Indonesia's hybrid culture. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Fiberglass , Other , Zinc Plates |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2003 |
Dimensi Karya | : | mm x mm x mm |
Deskripsi | : |
[courtesy IVAA] |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Fabric |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2003 |
Dimensi Karya | : | mm x mm x mm |
Deskripsi | : |
Karya ini berupa kostum yang dibuat dari seragam militer bekas dan rumput laut. |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2003 |
Dimensi Karya | : | mm x mm x mm |
Deskripsi | : |
Karya ini berupa hiasan kepala dari obat-obatan tradisional (akar tanaman) dan kuda laut kering. |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2003 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
A military mission is not only about sending troops of warriors, but also food and medicine. “Who's the Hunter? Who's the Killer? Who's the Feeder? And who's the Healer? These are the underlying questions from my work ‘The Warrior', ‘The Feeder' and ‘The Healer' (2003). This work was produced during the beginning of the Iraqi war. At the same time Indonesian militaries were entering the province Aceh to ‘finish' the independence movement. It represents human's inevitable connection to killing, healing and feeding. The ‘warrior' costume is made out of used military outfits, worn by Indonesian soldiers (TNI), cut into strings and mixed with seaweed created into a new warrior cloak. The lower seaweed part hangs into a pan and is boiled into a miso soup served to the audience. The ‘feeder' is made out of squids and squid soup, the ‘healer' is from Chinese and Indonesian traditional medicines that are cooked into a ‘jamu'. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2003 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
A military mission is not only about sending troops of warriors, but also food and medicine. “Who's the Hunter? Who's the Killer? Who's the Feeder? And who's the Healer? These are the underlying questions from my work ‘The warrior', ‘The feeder' and ‘the healer' (2003). This work was produced during the beginning of the Iraqi war. At the same time Indonesian militaries were entering the province Aceh to ‘finish' the independence movement. It represents human's inevitable connection to killing, healing and feeding. The ‘warrior' costume is made out of used military outfits, worn by Indonesian soldiers (TNI), cut into strings and mixed with seaweed created into a new warrior cloak. The lower seaweed part hangs into a pan and is boiled into a miso soup served to the audience. The ‘feeder' is made out of squids and squid soup, the ‘healer' is from Chinese and Indonesian traditional medicines that are cooked into a ‘jamu'. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Performance , Photograph |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2003 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Rubber Time I was made at the site of Lunagangga, a former rubber plantation in Sri Lanka on the plot of the well-known architect, Jeffrey Bawa. Being Dutch, I realized that the land was also connected with my colonial history, connecting the Netherlands , Sri Lanka and Indonesia , where I live. In Rubber Time I ( Rubber Time II was made in Indonesia in Oct 2003), three persons lay on the ground in-between the rubber trees, covered by veils of rubber tree seed-cases, smoked rubber and dried pored rubber. They seemed to have been lying there forever, in a condition between sleeping, praying and death. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Copper , Fiberglass , Gold Plates , Other , Wood |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2004 |
Dimensi Karya | : | mm x mm x mm |
Deskripsi | : |
Dipamerkan dalam Pameran "Menimbang Dunia Perempuan" 2004. [courtesy IVAA] |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Batik , Canvas , Digital Print , Other |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2004 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Foto karya courtesy seniman. |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2004 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Performance di Via-via Cafe, Yogyakarta. |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2004 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
Creating shelters is related to the history of mankind. Shelters are human habitats, physical and psychological spaces found all around the world that provide protection and comfort. Civilization has layered the shelter with many other meanings related to wealth, status, religion, family life, notions of community, and privacy. The shelter, or the house, is an extension of our own body, clothing, and personal space. This space reflects the development from being into well-being, showing the targets in the lives of humans to settle and enrich themselves. This aim for prosperity and well-being is rooted in our genes and psyches. My work, “Targets of Prosperity”, shows different aspects of these secure mental spaces. I used the idea of the Buddha of Prosperity, in which the ritual of giving money to the fat bellied Buddha promises wealth and protection of the giver. On the inside of a gold-plated shelter is a video of myself posing as a beggar, sticking the received money on my belly and under my breasts. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | Batik , Embroidery , Other |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2005 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
The word ‘Asal' is originally from the Arabic language and has traveled to Indonesia , where it is part of our daily vocabulary. “Asal dari mana? ”, “Where are you from?”. This a common question asked, not only to me as a Dutch person living in Indonesia , but is often used as an opening phrase in a conversation. “Asal” means 'authentic', and is used to question origin. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2005 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
I made this work especially for the exhibition 'Asal' at Etamad Gallery in Tehran . Spying and peeping is what we do when we are allowed to show so little of our body parts. Women count as half a witness. Mitra, an Iranian artist who drove me through the streets of Tehran in the most aggressive traffic that I have ever experienced, told this to me. (Courtesy of |
Pelaku Seni | : | Mella Jaarsma |
Medium | : | |
Tahun Pembuatan | : | 2005 |
Dimensi Karya | : | cm x cm x cm |
Deskripsi | : |
‘Shelter me' is a work that parallels garment and architectural constructions, or ‘flexible housing'. There is a basic need for a roof over your head to protect you from the sun and rain of the tropical climate. The roof is the most important part, defining a given space physically, as well as spiritually, like a temple incasing a vision / belief. The shelter is the minimal construction needed for protection, not yet the shape of a house, but directly related to the proportions of the human body. The work "Shelter me" is about the possibilities of mobility and motion. Like words, images as tattoos, and architectural design travel the globe. Not only currently, but for centuries, art forms and languages have been transported and exchanged through mysticism, common beliefs, and trade. These shelters also refer to the current global reality of migration. I placed these shelters in different sites in Yokohama during the Yokohama Triennale in 2005. The documentation (video) of the shelters and the sites in Yokohama became an important part of the installation and is shown together with the shelters in the exhibition space. (Courtesy of |
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Indonesian Visual Art Archive is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC Unported License
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